Before Departure

Make sure that you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which you will present to the medical provider when receiving medical treatment. If you suffer from a chronic illness and you know that you will need specific care during your stay (e.g. a dialy-sis), we highly recommend that you prearrange it with a medical provider in Austria.


Issuing of Provisional Replacement Certificate (replacing EHIC)

If for some reason (loss, theft) you do not have a European Health Insurance Card with you during your stay in Croatia, you can contact your Czech health insurance company at any time to issue a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) temporarily replacing the European Health Insurance Card. You can request the PRC yourself, via the local carrier of health insurance or via the hospital (in case of hospitalization). You are entitled to receive the PRC.


Healthcare in Italy

The healthcare system in Italy is organized regionally and specifics of treatment can vary significantly region by region. Detailed information is available on the websites of respective regions as well as branches of the National Health Service.

The EHIC can only be used in healthcare facilities that have a contract with the Italian National Health Service: Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL), Agenzia di Tutela della Salute (ATS) or Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale (ASP). Lists of contractual healthcare facilities are available at every branch of the National Health Service.

Beyond normal office hours, you can contact the emergency service (Guardia medica noturna e festiva), which is available in larger cities. Detailed information about the emergency service will be provided by branches of the National Health Service. In case of emergency, contact a public or contractual medical facility directly.

A general practitioner’s referral is required to see a specialist.

In some cities, there is a special health service for tourists (Servizio di Guardia Turistica) or a local health centre (Case della Comunitá/Case della Salute) where you can go directly and present your EHIC.

If you visit a non-contractual medical facility, you will have to cover the cost of treatment yourself.

Most dentists in Italy are private and dental care is usually not covered by public health insurance in Italy; you will have to cover the costs yourself. Some healthcare facilities operated by ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) do employ contractual dentists. Only certain groups of persons are exempt from having to pay the cost of dental care even with contractual doctors, either partially or completely (children under 14).

A branch of the national health service will provide you with a list of hospitals that operate within the public system. A referral for hospitalization is issued by a general practitioner. In case of emergency, contact the hospital directly. Present your EHIC when you are treated in hospital and make sure it has been accepted when you are discharged.

Some medicine is fully covered while other is subject to co-payment of varying amounts. The doctor will issue you a prescription which you can get filled at a pharmacy.

Transportation by contractual ambulance/helicopter is covered only partially.

First aid: 118 or 112.


You pay the following co-payment for treatment:

Co-payment for treatments and medical transports varies regionally and can reach tens of EUR. An exact number is not available. Co-payment is called “ticket”.

  • Treatment by a doctor, physiotherapist – co-payment varies regionally and is calculated with regard to the patient’s income and to the type of treatment; from €5 to €50.
  • Dental treatment – ​​usually 100 % (the patient covers the cost fully)
  • Hospitalization – no co-payment. BUT: if you visit the hospital directly and your condition does not require hospitalization, you may be charged a fee. This fee (called “ticket”) can vary according to the treatment received (ex. lab exams, visits, medicines, etc.)
  • The ticket can vary from €5 to €50 or even more
  • Medicines
  • Category A (medication for serious illnesses) – flat-rate prescription fee only
  • Category C (other medicine, over-the-counter) – 100 % (the patient covers the cost fully)


Reimbursement of Costs

If you covered the costs the health care yourself, contact your Czech health insurance fund and present your invoices (originals); the health insurance fund will assess whether you are entitled to reimbursement and what amount.


Incapacity for work

If you want to claim Czech sick leave due to incapacity for work in the country of residence, contact the attending physician who will issue you a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. If the attending physician does not issue this certificate in Poland, contact the relevant Polish institution.

As soon as possible, send to your employer (self-employed persons the relevant District Social Security Administration (OSSZ) a confirmation of temporary incapacity for work with the expected duration of it together with the form “Application for sick leave in case of incapacity for work in another EU member state”, which can be freely downloaded here.


Where to Get More Information

Branches of Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL. You will receive the addresses either at your hotel or in the phone book. In many areas there are special health services for tourists (Servizio di guardia turistica).

If you’re travelling to Italy for planned healthcare, you can get more information from the national contact point Servizio Sanitario Nazionale – SSN.


Embassy of the Czech Republic in Italy:

  • Honorary Consulate of Palermo
    Viale della Libertá n. 104, 90143 Palermo
    phone: +39/331/8174128
  • Honorary Consulate of Milan
    Via G.B. Morgagni 20, 20129 Milano
    tel.: +39/0287158281/73 fax: +39/0270059618
  • Honorary Consulate of Naples
    Corso Umberto I., 275, Napoli 80138
    tel.: +39/081/268784 fax: +39/081/267336
  • Honorary Consulate of Udine
    Via San Francesco 34, Udine 33100
    tel.: +39/0432/509445 fax: +39/0432/298126
  • Honorary Consulate of Florence
    Via Umberto Maddalena 32r, Firenze 50127
    tel.: +39/055/284454 fax: +39/055/434432
  • Honorary Consulate of Genoa
    Piazza della Vittoria 6/9A, Genova 16121
    tel.: +390105954574 fax: +390105302358
  • Honorary Consulate of Cagliari
    Piazza della Repubblica 4, Cagliari 09124
    tel.: +39 0704525133 fax: +390704524969
  • Honorary Consulate of Ancona
    Via Pastore 17, Ancona 60131
    tel.: +390712867794 fax: +390712919658